A general guide to assist in the process of making a change in Business Software through to Implementation. If you have not purchased software in a while, be aware that pricing may not be what you expect. It also may not be indicative of the quality and features you may decide upon. Contact SSI with any questions you may have.
There are many reasons to change software. Here a few:
Software Vendor no longer supports the product or has closed
Software Vendor only offers patches, no or few additional features
Business organization has changed or been purchased
Business volume has changed
Completely new division is added and must be managed
Few third party support companies available
Software does not match majority of your user base
Too many mods with no documentation
Internal support is departing/retiring from the company
Software licensing is always increasing
Many external packages that are not integrated
Cumbersome process operations
What are the needs to be fulfilled:
Easier ad hoc reporting
On premise server can no longer support the demands
Switching to cloud based
Lessen custom written programs / queries / spreadsheets / Crystal Reports
Streamline operations due to employee reduction
Reduce programmer reliance and expense
Revamp GL Account #s, Item #s, Vendor and Customer #s
Meet the needs of a young workforce
Be ready for expansion
Be attractive for eventual future sale
Schedule and Attend Demo's
After you have browsed multiple options, it's time to schedule a few demo's. This will be a time consuming process for you and your time but it's important to invest the time up front and ask the hard questions. Failure to do so could cost the company precious time and money.
Here are a list of things you can do to be prepared.
Establish a list of requirements by application prior to scheduling demo's.
Determine Stake Holders
Choose a Project Manager and their backup
Assign a representative that is the SME for an area/application
Create lists by area/application/scenario and have others review and polish in Excel
Rate each module/feature into 3 sections:
Must haves
Nice to have
Not needed
Give the list to the prospective vendors
Go over scenarios with vendors to make certain they understand. Sample documents with notation is also a great way to have the process replicated in the demo.
Schedule the demo with the staff that deals with the scenarios
Rate the feature:
Meets needs completely
Meets needs with few mods
Meets needs with many mods
Does not meet needs
Choosing the top vendor(s). Consider these facets:
Is there Buy In from the stakeholders?
How close does the software meet your needs, without mods?
Industry specialty match: 80% is minimum
Age of business
Knowledge of software
Vendor/Local Support: rates, access, experience
Comfort Level: How do you feel about working with them?
Gap Analysis
Detailed review of the software to determine how closely it fits your organization. Think of this as a deep dive into scenario. Typically the users are present during each test so that they can validate the results. Flag processes that require further review or modification
A quality Gap analysis ensures that the power users can accept the software operation so you can move forward with the project.
Clear specifications of changes and documentation
Samples of documents that are marked up with clear notes
Screen captures that are marked up (Paint 3D or Snagit)
Describe flow of screens and options
Don’t forget to qualify security requirements of data and access
Get consensus on everything before handing it over
Review results from vendor
File Migration
File layout and hard coding of new file codes
Mapping of fields, old to new
Rules for converting old data to new data
Will Item Class, et al, be converted to take advantage of new coding?
Can “extension files” be merged into existing new file fields?
Is it possible to have the “extension files” added as fields?
Create an automated routine to regenerate file migration and time it
Beta Testing
Testing to compare transactions and how they flow
Run reports on both systems to see if they match prior to testing
Evaluate access for user type
Run scenarios from “Gap Analysis”
Prove GL postings
Validate report totals total properly
Question staff usability
Test Cut Over
Migrate all data “hands off”
Run reports on both systems to see if they match prior to testing
Position support personnel
Have each user replicate their work for a period (day, week, etc.)
Validate the accuracy and assist with questions
Guide operations and tips with each user
What needs attention before Go Live?
Project Manager determines if changes made now, later, or not at all
Outline changes in time and expense
Go Live or another Test Cutover?
Go Live - Show Time!
Run reports on both systems to see if they match prior to Going Live
Position support personnel
Supply lunch for everyone
Overall review about a week or month later
Evaluate how things went
Determine areas that need attention
If required: Assign resources to estimate time needed
Custom Mods and Applications
Determine format of Documentation
Screen capture with clear notes
Have users handle or assist in each scenario
Video, Print, PDF online, or Wiki are all options
Easy access to everyone
This paper is one of a series created to help educate and support IT and other decisions for businesses for over 40 years.
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