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Data Retention Policy

At Systems Services, we are committed to maintaining the integrity and security of your ERP records. This policy outlines our approach to data retention and purging of ERP records. Throughout the lifecycle of implementing and supporting customers we routinely receive files, exports, reports, etc. that we must consume to answer questions. Over time, this data grows within our systems and requires cleaning and maintenance.

  1. Retention Period
    ERP records, including support data, screenshots, excel files, PDF's, etc. will be stored for a period not to exceed three years, unless otherwise required by law or contractual obligations. After this period, data will be eligible for review and purging. Task chatter and history will be retained, but the attachments will not.
  2. Data Review and Purging
    After the retention period has expired, files attached to implementation and configuration tasks will be purged. Data that is no longer required for operational, legal, or compliance purposes will be permanently deleted in a secure manner to ensure that it cannot be recovered.
  3. Exceptions
    Certain records may be subject to extended retention periods due to regulatory, legal, or contractual requirements. In these cases, clients will be notified, and the data will be retained accordingly.
  4. Client Responsibility
    Clients are encouraged to periodically review and back up their data as per their internal requirements. Systems Services is not responsible for any loss or unavailability of data once purging has been completed in accordance with this policy.
  5. Data Security
    All data purging activities will be performed in compliance with our data security practices to ensure that records are securely and irreversibly deleted.

For any inquiries regarding this policy or to request adjustments to your specific data retention needs, please contact