Inventory 1 & 2 - Products / Stock Levels
Website 2 - E-commerce
Kyle RobinsonDone
Accounting 2, 3, 4 - Tax / AP / AR
Kyle RobinsonDone
Inventory 2 & 3 - Stock Movement
Documents - Best Practices
Kyle RobinsonDone
Website 1
Kyle RobinsonDone
Admin 1 - Users & Permissions
Kyle RobinsonDone
Accounting 5 - Advanced Accounting
Kyle RobinsonDone
Accounting 6 - Period Closing
Kyle RobinsonDone
Accounting 1 - Best Practices
Sales - Follow Up
5/3/21, 8:30 AM
5/3/21, 10:00 AM
(1 hour 30 minutes)
Video Recording
-Sales Orders
-Where/how will customer orders come in?
-Input of sales orders (Attached are 2 examples that would generally be sent
via email. Thought it might be helpful to have and maybe you could "preload"
the inventory beforehand).
-Application of discounts
-Process for backorders
-Customer Setup
-Adding a new Customer/Vendor
-Adding a new Ship-to Location
-Vendor Bills
-Input AP bill (aside from landed costs example, I'll cover that with Sue
separately at a later time)
-Process payment (cut checks/bill pay process)